A Special Offer – Just In Time For The Holidays…

… Thanksgiving and Christmas are just a few short weeks away. Are you ready for the big meals and parties?

Thanksgiving and Christmas are the perfect time to get family and friends together around the dinner table. We prepare special dishes, a huge turkey, ham or roast and we want everything to be perfect. Throwing a Holiday dinner can be quite the production, even if you are doing your best to keep things simple. To make it easy, we put some of our best tips and ideas into a Thanksgiving Planning guide and a Christmas Planning guide that will each:

• Allow you to get as much as possible done ahead of time.

• Provide you with healthy recipes for traditional favorites.

• Give you a “To-Do” List to make sure nothing is forgotten.
With everything you need to plan a memorable Thanksgiving and Christmas at your fingertips, you don’t have to worry if there’s something you forgot to buy or do ahead of time, resulting in a mad “last-minute” dash to the grocery store.

Don’t Let Planning for The Holidays Stress You Out
You’ve heard all about the benefits of meal planning, the time it saves you, the money it saves you and that you are much more likely to stick with eating healthy if you already have everything for a healthy meal in the house. But let’s face it, we can all think of more fun things to do then to plan a weekly menu. That’s where we come in.

We’ll take care of the tedious and time consuming part of planning healthy meals for your family.

Here’s what you will get with the Thanksgiving Planning Guide…

•The Thanksgiving Planning Guide with organizing and planning tips.

•A Complete Thanksgiving Menu with detailed recipes.

•A Shopping List with everything you need to prepare the recipes of the menu.

•A second Shopping List of non-perishable items you can buy ahead of time.

•Our original “To-Do” List to make sure you’re not forgetting anything.

Here’s what you will get with the Christmas Planning Guide…

•The Christmas Planning Guide with organizing and planning tips, decorating ideas, craft suggestions for the kids and more. This guide alone is 55 pages long.

•A Complete Christmas Menu with detailed recipes.

•A Shopping List with everything you need to prepare the recipes of the menu.

•Our original “To-Do” List to make sure you’re not forgetting anything.

<img src=" Thanksgiving & Christmas Planned For You” alt=”null” />

Fall is here!! Check this out!!

Are you ready for Halloween, Thanksgiving & Fall Baking? I
just grabbed a resource from my friend Christine Steendahl – “The Menu Mom” and I can’t wait to tell you about it!

She has created a special Fall Product Bundle that I know you are going to
love! (I promise you’ll love the price too!) Included are TWELVE great

Special Fall Bundle

Included in the bundle are the following:

All About Apples (Valued at $5.97)
Who doesn’t love a fresh crisp apple this time of year! This e-book walks
you through the various apples and their uses, the best way to buy apples,
what to do if you end up with a ton of apples, delicious yummy apple
recipes and much more.

All About Pumpkins (Valued at $5.97)
Pumpkins are great for both decorating and eating! Learn how to choose and
store pumpkins, fun uses for pumpkins and of course delicious pumpkin

Delicious Fall Recipes (Valued at $8.97)
This resource includes 29 super fun and creative fall & Halloween recipes
the whole family is sure to love – everything from Halloween Party Fondue,
to Vampire Bat Stew, to Ghosts on a stick.

Eat Whole Foods – For the Health of It (Valued at 12.97)
Our family is working on cutting out a lot of processed foods. In this
ebook I share what whole foods are, why they are important, info. on
organics, how to eat whole foods on a budget and much more. If you are
interested in learning more about whole foods – this is a great guide!

Halloween Week Menu (Valued at $6.97)
Halloween is often one of kids favorite holidays! How about making the
entire week super fun! We have created a Halloween week dinner menu (with
a grocery shopping list of course) to make it a fun food week your kids
will never forget! (Don’t worry – these are super easy recipes that the
entire family will enjoy!)

Halloween Fun Recipes & Party Games (Valued at $5.97)
Even more Halloween recipes and some great games to play at your Halloween
Party. With this bundle you certainly won’t be at a loss for creative
Halloween ideas!

School Lunches Made Easy (Valued at $8.97)
If you have school lunches to pack each day, this guide will be your new
best friend! We’ll share quick easy lunch ideas, organization tips, and
even printable charts to help you out!

It’s Sleepover Party Time (Valued at $6.97)
Sleepovers – so much fun for the kids, but sometimes a lot of work for the
parents! This illustrated recipe resource takes you through a few of our
very favorite sleepover recipes – step by step! Now feeding all those kids
is taken care of!

Slow Cooker Recipe Book (Valued at $14.97)
I absolutely love using my slow cooker in the fall – the aroma of dinner
drifts through the house all day, and feeding the family is a cinch come
supper time! I have gathered up 54 pages of my favorite slow cooker
recipes to share with you.

Spooky & Fun Halloween Recipes (Valued at $5.97)
Okay, maybe I went a little overboard on the Halloween Recipes – what can I
say! There are so many yummy ideas!

Seven Simple Steps to a Super Halloween Party (Valued at $7.97)
Would you like to host a simple Halloween Party but you’re just not sure
where to start? We’ve got you covered! We’ll walk you through 7 easy
steps – Invitations, Decorations, Music, Food, Games & Activities, Crafts &
Goodie Bags. With this resource the Halloween Party Stress will be gone!

Thanksgiving Planned for You (Valued at $12.97)
Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year? If so, we’ve done the work for
you! We have prepared the menu, the shopping list, and the to-do list.
Take a deep breath, follow our guide and know that this year you can
actually enjoy the holiday!

Total Value: $104.64
How does 90% off sound?
Everything listed above is included in the Fall Bundle for one low price of
(I absolutely LOVE my copy! My favorite is the Halloween Week
Menu! I can’t wait to use that with my family!)

This special price is only available through Oct. 3rd. Grab your bundle
NOW while you can!

P.S. After October 3, 2011 the price will go up to $24.97

Special Fall Bundle

A Goodie for You!! (this giveaway is over)

I am giving away a copy (print copy or e-book) of the wonderful cook book “Dining On a Dime”, compliments of Tawra Kellam the author, to one lucky reader of this blog.  DEADLINE is APRIL 20.

“Dining On A Dime” is a proud winner of the 2006 Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Award, the only award program to ever be honored by Disney.com.


You can actually save up to $10,000.00 a year by using all the great tips, hints and recipes that Tawra has put into this wonderful Cook Book and believe me, it’s not any ordinary Cook Book.  You don’t even have to worry about clipping all those coupons any more and keeping them organized. “Dining on a Dime” is packed with over 1,200 money saving frugal recipes and all the ones I have tried so far are easy and delicious!! It’s also loaded with kids tips and snack ideas, gift baskets, menus and food storage directions and more. The recipes are so simple, easy and fast to cook with using ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. You also get a shopping list and pantry list to go along with all the great recipes.  Believe me this book makes life so much faster and easier.  Well enough of my chit chat you can check it out for yourself right here.

And I’m guessing your wondering how do you get this absolutely fabulous Cook Book for FREE!!!

Well, all you have to do is be the first person to leave a comment, on this post, with a list of all the bonus’ you get free if you buy the Cook Book for a fabulous MOM for Mother’s Day!!  Then email me at squeakyscraps at gmail dot com leaving your name and email or leave it on the comment so I can get in touch with you to get you your Free Copy of “Dining On A Dime”.

Here’s a HINT: You can find the list of bonus’ HERE!

P.S. INSIDE Tawra’s “Dining On A Dime” you will also find some great Cleaning Cents and Pretty for Pennies!!

Dining On A Dime GiveAway!! (this giveaway is over)

WOW!!! Guess What??? Tawra from Living On A Dime has over purchased on books and now needs to get rid of some inventory so they are having a 50% off sale on all their books and 63% off if you buy all 3.  Dining On A Dime has never been on sale for more than 25% off, so this is a great deal. The sale is going to be from January 1 to January 7. Sorry for such short notice but I just found out about this great deal yesterday. You can check this BIG SALE out HERE!!!

Here’s another Great Deal. Tawra has agreed to mail you a FREE COPY of “Dining On A Dime” via snail mail, on the house, if you are the first person to find the needle in the Hay Stack. You can download the Needle in a Haystack QP HERE.


So here’s the rules:

1. Download the Quick Page.

2. Upzip it.

3. Look for a Needle in the pyramid haystack.

4. Email me at squeakyscraps@gmail.com.

5. Put “Found It” in the subject line.

6. Tell me where the needle is.

7. Leave me your name and snail mail address.

8. I will forward the email to Tawra and in return;

9. She will mail you a FREE Copy of “Dining on a Dime“.

10 Easy Ways to Get Organized

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!  It’s the beginning of a new year so what better way than to start getting organized in 10 Easy Steps!! Here from Jill Cooper of Living On A Dime are 10 Easy Ways to Get Organized.

10 Easy Ways to Get Organized
by Jill Cooper
Living On A Dime

. Hang up your keys. (Preferably by the door.)

. Find a place for your purse, coat, gloves and other frequently used items and always keep them there.

. Make your bed each day as soon as you crawl out of it.

. Get dressed. Even if you are a stay at home mom or your job is at home, get dressed. Clothes really do make the man or woman. You’ll be just as productive as you are dressed which means if you are dressed for sleep (pajamas, sweats or a robe) then you will get about as much work done as you would when you are sleeping. That may be stretching it, but you get my point.

. Wash the dishes and wipe the counters after each meal. No matter how large or small the meal or how tired and in a hurry you are, do the dishes. Even if you are hurried or late in the morning you wouldn’t dream of leaving the house half dressed. Make leaving your kitchen clean as important a priority as getting dressed for work. This may seem impossible at first but once you are on top of things it should only take five or ten minutes to clean your kitchen.

. Get rid of trash. About 50% of what unorganized people have in their homes is trash or stuff they will never use again. Stop wasting time taking care of it, moving it or stepping over it. As you walk through the house, pick up garbage and toss it.

. Control your laundry. Don’t let it control you. Follow these simple steps to help keep your laundry from taking over your home and you.

        Place a hamper or basket for dirty clothes in each bedroom and/or bath. Make sure that everyone’s dirty clothes are put in the hamper before bed and in the morning.

       The laundry isn’t done until it is put away. Get out of the mind set that if it is washed and dried it is done. Folding and putting it away is equally as important.

       Some of us think that if we get the laundry washed and dried that’s all we need to do and it’s okay for the family to just pull stuff out of a pile. That makes as much sense as cooking a meal and expecting everyone to stand at the stove and take turns scooping the food out of the pan and eating it one spoonful at a time. You wouldn’t dream of doing that. Yes the food is cooked, but the meal is not complete until the table is set and the food is put on plates. Do the same for your laundry. Put it away.

. Pick up continually. This may seem like a pain to do at first but if you stick with it, it will become a habit. I didn’t realize how much of a habit it had become for me until I was visiting my daughter’s the other day. As I was walking into the kitchen, I picked up empty glasses and odds and ends on my way. Then when I walked from the kitchen to the bedroom I picked up toys as I went in there. It wasn’t even my house but I had seen something out of place and out of habit picked it up. Every sock or glass that you walk past is a spore waiting to flourish into a vortex of debris. Catch it while it is small! _

. Read and dispose of newspapers and magazines. There are usually two reasons people have stacks of newspapers and magazines piled around:

       They want to save an article in it. If that is the case then cut the article out as you are reading the magazine and file it. Trust me, you not only won’t cut that article out at a later time, but you probably won’t remember what or where it is.

     They don’t have time to read them. If you aren’t going to read them the why are you subscribing to them? Stop your subscriptions. This doesn’t have to be an all or nothing thing. If you can’t keep up with the daily newspaper then just get the Sunday paper. Most people usually have more leisure time Sunday to read it. Pick out one or two of your favorite magazines and stop subscribing to the rest.

With any item, if it is broken or you don’t use it anymore get rid of it. That includes clothes, toys, furniture, decorations, dishes and exercise equipment. If it’s not important enough to fix right now, you don’t need it!
Jill Cooper and Tawra Kellam are frugal living experts and the editors of Living On A Dime. As a single mother of two, Jill Cooper started her own business without any capital and paid off $35,000 debt in 5 years on $1,000 a month income. Tawra and her husband paid off $20,000 debt in 5 years on $22,000 a year income.